There're lots of shared hosting providers out there, yet most of them are resellers who have minimal resources, especially in terms of support. A way to distinguish them is the option to get in touch with the company by phone. The type of support that you can receive through this particular method of communication may vary based on the supplier - several of them offer expert telephone support, various others offer common and customer support only because some matters are more time-consuming and it's quicker to be resolved with a support ticket, especially when the issue has to be escalated. Still, it is good to know that you could always reach your website hosting provider since there are a lot of small-scale issues which can be resolved easily and in a very timely manner with a telephone call, not mentioning that you will be able to get more information for the services before you become a client.
Phone Support in Shared Hosting
As we have live telephone support 14 hours per day, you will be able to get in touch with us and speak with one of our customer support representatives to get more information about all of the shared plans that we offer and make sure that our servers match the system requirements for your websites before you purchase anything. For your benefit, we now have phone numbers on as many as 3 different continents and you can call the one nearer to you - in the USA, the United Kingdom or Australia. In case you're already a customer, you'll be able to call about general and billing issues, or even about some tech ones. In case the situation is strictly technical or it requires more time to analyze, you should use our ticketing system, which will enable both you and our technical support team to monitor the information provided by each side.
Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
With 14 hours-a-day phone support, you can be certain that there will always be someone to help you if you have any questions about the semi-dedicated server packages that we provide. Whether you want to find out more about our packages, you have some billing issue or some general problem, you can call us. Despite the fact that some more complex troubles may require a support ticket so as to give some time to our tech support team to investigate, we'll help you with a lot of technical questions on the phone as well, saving you precious time and efforts. Since we have data centers on 3 different continents - in the USA, Great Britain and Australia, we have local phone lines in all of these countries as well. In case you're in another country, we also have an international number where you'll be able to get in touch with us.