If you are searching for a better web hosting service and wish to change your hosting provider, you'll have to move the site content to the web hosting servers of the new company. While this might be done effortlessly for a little HTML website, it may be more difficult to move a script-driven Internet site, which uses a database, not to mention if you have a number of Internet sites. You shall have to transfer a large number of files, databases and e-mails, not mentioning that you'll have to import everything on the new web server and adjust a variety of system settings in order to get the websites online on the new hosting platform. To save you the time and the hassle to migrate your content, we offer a totally free site migration service, so depending upon the kind of web hosting and the specific plan which you choose, our tech support team could migrate even a number of Internet sites for you, making certain that the way they look and perform shall be precisely the same.
Assisted Website Migration in Shared Hosting
After you order your new shared hosting account, you can get hold of our technical support crew and set up the migration of your websites, which usually doesn't take longer than two days. The amount of Internet sites that we can move for you depends on the plan which you choose upon signup, but there's no package in which this service is not available, so we could assist you even if you have only one small Internet site and you prefer that our experienced staff carries out the migration. The only two demands are the current web server to be running on Linux and the platform that you have employed to create the site in the first place not to be a closed-source one for example Jimdo or Wix since they don't grant access to the files. We shall migrate any type of website irrespective of the hosting CP you currently use and our offer is valid for both custom-made sites and ones designed with popular script-driven apps for example Joomla or WordPress. When our technical support team moves everything, they will test out the websites in order to make certain that they are functioning efficiently and will then inform you that you can change the name servers of your domain names and point them to our cloud platform.
Assisted Website Migration in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server account through our company, we shall be able to transfer your content totally free even in case you have a variety of websites under different domains. As our top-notch cloud hosting platform runs on Linux, your current host has to employ this OS too and you mustn't be using a closed-source online site design service like Weebly, Mr. Site or Jimdo as they don't allow the site files to be accessed, thus we're not able to migrate this type of an Internet site. It normally does not take more than 2 days from the time you arrange the migration with our technical support team to the time everything is relocated and ready, so that you can start employing our services in no time. You'll be able to take advantage for any custom-made Internet site or for one which you've created with a script-driven application such as Joomla, PrestaShop, Moodle or WordPress. When everything is ready, we will notify you and you can change the name servers of your domain names to point them to your new account. Due to the fact that the content shall be the same on both servers, your visitors will not see any downtime during the DNS update propagation.
Assisted Website Migration in Dedicated Servers
If you wish to use one of our dedicated web hosting plans, we can migrate any kind of website, regardless if it's a forum, a WordPress blog, an e-commerce portal or any other custom website. We can't migrate only websites created with site builders like Wix, Yola or Jimdo as they do not provide access to the website data, therefore we are unable to get the content in any way. Any other site that can work on a Linux server can be moved within 2 days to your new dedicated server and not just will our technical support set everything up, but they'll also examine your Internet site to make certain its proper performance on our end. Because our machines are quite efficient and can support lots of script programs operating concurrently, there won't be any problem to relocate even multiple websites and you will not need to pay anything on top of the dedicated server monthly fee. The moment our technical support is done with the migration, they will inform you and you'll be able to update the name servers of all domain names that you want to host on the server. During the propagation time, the websites shall load either from your new account on our end or from the web servers of the old hosting company, but because the content shall be precisely the same, the Internet site visitors won't notice any downtime.